Elastyczny cennik dostosowany do potrzeb klienta
Umów spotkanie z ekspertem, który:
- Zapyta o cele i preferencje Twojego zespołu
- Wesprze w wyborze odpowiedniego pakietu
- Przygotuje konto w wersji próbnej
Managed Service
No limits on seats
Unlimited Client Accounts
- 75+ countries available
- Businesses that don't have capacity to run campaigns in-house
- Outsource campaigns to indaHash end-to-end agency team
- +19 000 Campaigns Experience For +600 Brands In +100 Countries
- Complete end-to-end solution including influencer identification, outreach, contracts, payments, content management and advanced reporting
Self-Serve Platform
Max 10 seats
Unlimited Client Accounts for campaigns and reports
- 75+ countries available
- Advanced Influencer Marketing
- Advanced Influencer Campaign Projects
- Time saving Campaign Reporting with Unlimited Social Media Platforms
- Team & Task Management
- Activity Logging
- Creator’s Content Autodiscovery
- Personalised Creator’s Onboarding Forms
Whitelabel or
Enterprise License
- 75+ countries available
- Global Agencies, Global Brands, Seasoned eCommerce
- The Unlimited Power Of Creator Discovery and Creator Campaigns Software With Your Logo and Personalised Functionalities For Your Team or Clients