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Elevate Your Influencer Marketing: AI-Powered Precision!

Leverage millions of data points to identify the most relevant Creators for your campaign, based on AI analysis of images used in their previous posts.

Artificial Intelligence-based image recognition technology can be used to identify relevant Creators for a marketing campaign. This technology can analyze the images used in previous posts by Creators and identify patterns in the content.

AI-Powered Image Analysis Unveils Hidden Creators, Boosting Campaign Creativity!

By analyzing the images, the AI can identify keywords and tags that best describe the content published by the Creators. This can help in finding not obvious creators who might not be found through traditional search methods. Additionally, this technology can help boost the creativity level of a campaign by identifying Creators who have a unique perspective and value.

How it works?

You can define the keywords that best describe the content published by the creators you are looking for. Our database automatically tags every piece of graphical content published by creators with keywords, based on AI image recognition.

Start with keyword search to find matching creators.

Analyze creators matching your AI search.

Time to power your business with influencer marketing

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