indaHash 2016 vs 2017 Summary!

Dear Community,

indaHash is proud to present our 2016 vs 2017 year summary covering MAJOR increases in terms of active countries, expansion of indaHash offices 🏒 around the world, growth in the headcount of our AMAZING indaHash Team, number of deals won πŸ“ˆΒ and a MASSIVE surge in the number of influencers in the indaHash app!Β πŸ“±

Check it out!

As you can see in this infographicΒ πŸ“ŠΒ 2017 wasΒ a HUGE year for indaHash! We are constantly developing & expanding across the globe 🌎 and are extremely excited for what is to come in 2018! ✌

Thank you all for your support!

All the best,
The indaHash Team

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