Flexible pricing customized specifically for your needs

Schedule a pricing call with one of our experts who will:

Managed Service

No limits on seats
Unlimited Client Accounts

Self-Serve Platform

Max 10 seats
Unlimited Client Accounts for campaigns and reports

Whitelabel or
Enterprise License


Features by package:

Creator Discovery Platform

Managed Service

Self-Serve Platform

Whitelabel and Enterprise Licence







+50 seats


Creator Search 20+ filters

Creator Credibility Check

Creator Engagement Rate Stats

Audience Demographics

Creator Search AI Image

Creator List Save & Export

Creator List Audience Overlap©

Competitor Post Check

Crisis Detection Scanner

Creator Campaigns Platform

Unlimited Campaigns

Customisable Campaign Projects

Multi Platform Campaigns

Content Zone

Creator List Import To Campaign

Creator Showcase

Client Mode

Customisable Campaign Report Generator

Automations & Extensions

Autodetect Publications

Autodetect Creators

Creator Submission Forms

Publications Synching

Customised Solutions

eCommerce Data API

- / Option

Customized API Integration (Salesforce, eCommerce, CRM etc)

- / Option

- / Option

Customer Success Team

Interacting with our

Project Manager Product Manager

Implementation Manager

Project Manager Product Manager

Say no to fake influencers with indaHash's Free Credibility Check Tool!

Up to 20 free credits for account Credibility.

Rate follower Authenticity on a 0-100 scale.

Evaluate trustworthiness from all angles.